Online Accelerated Human Resources Degree | Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (2024)

June 17, 2024

Health and Human Services

Online Accelerated Human Resources Degree | Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (1)

June 17, 2024

Move Up the Company Ladder With a Human Resources Degree

Working adults may want more from their careers but find it challenging to earn a higher education. With families, work schedules, and other obligations to worry about, it can be easy to think that earning a bachelor’s degree is far away. However, many online programs make education flexible and easy, and students can take advantage to advance in their careers.

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota offers an accelerated B.S. in Human Resource Management programfor students with at least 30 transferable credits to complete online. This bachelor’s degree completion program allows students to complete their degrees in less time, meaning they can move up in their careers sooner. Here, we discuss the career outlook for those with a human resources degree and the online programsavailable at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.

What Can a Human Resources Degree Do?

Human resources involves evaluating how employees operate within a workplace. They often address problems that employees have with managers or vice versa. Human resources managers are essential for ensuring business processes run smoothly and efficiently.

Human resource managers must have exceptional communication skills, as communicating with others is a large part of the role. Managers must communicate with other human resource advisors, employees, and managers. Human resource employees must also have strong problem-solving and leadership skills.

Alongside working with current employees, human resource managers are also responsible for hiring, screening, and onboarding new employees. Managers must recruit new hires, complete interview processes, assist them in setting up employment, and help with training. They may also implement programs and other opportunities to increase employee engagement and morale.

Earning a Human Resources Degree While Working

Earning a degree in human resources can give you unique insights into how businesses run and operate. This information helps you understand how to mitigate workplace issues better. With a deeper understanding of business processes, you can know how to solve problems with efficiency and speed in mind.

Having a human resources degree also opens many doors for employment. For example, those with a degree can hold the following positions:

  • Compensation manager
  • Payroll specialist
  • Labor relations specialist
  • Human resources specialist
  • Human resources manager
  • Human resources assistant
  • Benefits manager
  • Training coordinator
  • Employee relations manager
  • Recruiter
  • Office manager

Students can complete the B.S. Human Resource Management programat Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota online, making it easy for working adults to earn a degree. Online bachelor’s degree programsprovide enhanced flexibility that allows adults to continue working and attend to family obligations while working toward advancing in their careers.

Why Choose Human Resourcing?

Human resource specialists are essential employees in a workplace. This means students can find jobs within many industries. Students can work in industries that interest them and find employment anywhere in the U.S.

The demand for human resource workers is not decreasing any time soon. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in HR are projected to increaseby six percent from 2022 to 2032. In other words, graduates with a human resources degree will be in demand for a long time.

About Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota understands that adult learners require unique education that suits their schedules and preferences. That’s why we offer six start times for our B.S. Human Resource Management program. This online accelerated adult bachelor’s program allows students to earn their degrees in less time.

Throughout their program, students learn how to handle managing employees, as well as organizational leadership processes. They also learn about government regulations and labor laws. Our curriculum combines human resource fundamentals with foundational business education. The B.S. Human Resource Management program at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota is recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) as being academically aligned with the organization’s goals.

By offering courses online, we make it easy for adult learners to fit their learning into their busy schedules. They can simultaneously work toward improving their careers while working current jobs. We also use Lasallian Catholic education standards to guide our courses, which provide a new outlook on life and encourage students to live ethical lives of leadership and compassion. This sets us apart from other colleges in the area.

Boost Your Career With Education From Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota is here for working adults with online accelerated bachelor’s degree programs. We are a private, nonprofit Lasallian Catholic University with campuses in Winona, Rochester, and Minneapolis, MN. Each student receives a relationship-driven, person-centered education to make learning worthwhile and meaningful. To learn more about earning a human resources degree, request more informationtoday.

Online Accelerated Human Resources Degree | Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (2024)


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