Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (2024)

Last updated on Jan 18, 2022 at 16:11by Stan1 comment

An overview of Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor available inShadowlands.


Paladin Legendary Armor

Legendary Armor pieces are named after Base Items, so two Legendary Armorpieces will share the same name, but have differentLegendary Powers attached to them.

You can find more about crafting Legendary Armor in ourRunecarving Guide.

Runecarving Guide

Base Items are blank armor templates that are required to craftLegendary Armor in Shadowlands.

For more information about Base Items, please refer to ourBase Items Guide.

Base Items Guide

In addition to the Paladin-specific powers presented in this page, thereare 8 generic Legendary Powers in Shadowlands that are accessible toall classes. You can find them in our general Legendary Powers Guide.

General Legendary Powers Guide


Paladin Legendary Powers

We divide Legendary powers into general, available to all classes,class-wide, available to all specializations within the same class,and specialization-specific, available to just one specialization.Legendary powers can only be imbued on Base Items and occupy specific armorslots, as outlined below.


Class-Wide Paladin Legendary Powers

The following Legendary powers are available to all specializations:

  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (1) Of Dusk and Dawn (Head/Neck/Shoulder) — When you reach 5 HolyPower, you gain Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (2) Blessing of Dawn that increases damage and healing by15% for 10 seconds. When you reach 0 Holy Power, you gainPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (3) Blessing of Dusk that reduces damage taken by 15% for 10 seconds.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (4) Memory of the Sun's Cycles — Drops fromStone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (5) The Mad Paragon (Waist/Feet) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (6) Hammer of Wrath deals30% additional damage and extends the duration of Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (7) Crusade andPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (8) Avenging Crusader and Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (9) Avenging Wrath by 1 second.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (10) Memory of the Mad Paragon — Rewarded fromthe Great Vault quest.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (11) The Magistrate's Judgment (Wrist/Finger) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (12) Judgmenthas a 60% chance (Holy), 45% chance (Protection), 75% chance (Retribution)to reduce the cost of your next Holy Power spender by 1.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (13) Memory of the Magistrate's Judgment — Drops fromXav the Unfallen in Theater of Pain.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (14) Uther's Devotion (Neck/Chest) — YourPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (15) Blessing of Freedom, Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (16) Blessing of Sacrifice,Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (17) Blessing of Spellwarding, and Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (18) Blessing of Protection cooldownsare reduced by 1 second per Holy Power spent.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (19) Memory of Uther — Purchased for Honor fromPurveyor Zo'kuul. Must have Runecarving unlocked to purchase thismemory.


Holy Paladin Legendary Powers

The powers listed here are intended for Holy Paladins.

  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (20) Inflorescence of the Sunwell (Back/Feet) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (21) Holy Lighthas a 30% chance to generate 2 Holy Power when it consumes Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (22) Infusion of Light.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (23) Memory of the Sunwell's Bloom — Drops inTorghast, The Soulforges, Layer 3+.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (24) Maraad's Dying Breath (Chest/Finger) — Healing withPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (25) Light of Dawn causes your next Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (26) Light of the Martyr to also healyour Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (27) Beacon of Light. Each ally healed by Light of Dawn increasesLight of the Martyr healing by 10%.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (28) Memory of Maraad's Dying Breath — Drops fromGrand Proctor Beryllia in Sanguine Depths.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (29) Relentless Inquisitor (Back/Legs) — Spending Holy Powergrants you 1% haste per finisher for 12 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (30) Memory of a Relentless Inquisitor — Drops inTorghast, The Upper Reaches, Layer 3.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (31) Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun (Shoulder/Hands) —Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (32) Light of Dawn's range is increased to 40 yards, and all allies insideyour Light of Dawn benefit from Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (33) Mastery: Lightbringer as though theywere within 10 yards for 8 seconds. Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (34) Word of Glory receives 50%increased benefit from your Mastery.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (35) Memory of the Shadowbreaker — Drops fromSun King's Salvation in Castle Nathria.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (36) Shock Barrier (Legs/Feet) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (37) Holy Shock protects thetarget with a shield of Holy Light for 18 seconds, absorbing up to(20% of Holy Spell Power) damage every 6 seconds. Can protect up to 5targets.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (38) Memory of the Shock Barrier — Drops inTorghast, Coldheart Interstitia, Layer 3+.

To find out the best Legendaries for Holy Paladin, pleaserefer to our dedicated guide:

Holy Paladin Best Legendaries


Protection Paladin Legendary Powers

Here we list Legendary powers available to Protection Paladins in Shadowlands.

  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (39) Bulwark of Righteous Fury (Shoulder/Finger) —Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (40) Avenger's Shield increases the damage of your nextPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (41) Shield of the Righteous by 30% for each target hit by Avenger's Shield,stacking up to 5 times, and increases its radius by 6 yards.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (42) Memory of the Righteous Bulwark — Drops fromHigh Adjudicator Aleez in Halls of Atonement.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (43) Holy Avenger's Engraved Sigil (Head/Waist) — YourPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (44) Avenger's Shield has a 35% chance to have its cooldown instantlyreset when used.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (45) Memory of a Holy Sigil — Drops inTorghast, Fracture Chambers, Layer 3+.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (46) Reign of Endless Kings (Neck/Chest/Wrist) — When you drop below20% health, you become infused with Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (47) Guardian of Ancient Kingsfor 4 seconds. This cannot occur again for 45 seconds.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (48) Memory of the Endless Kings — Drops inTorghast, Mort'regar, Layer 3+.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (49) The Ardent Protector's Sanctum (Neck/Wrist) — WhenPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (50) Ardent Defender saves you from death, it restores 40% additionalhealth. When Ardent Defender expires without saving you from death,reduce its remaining cooldown by 40%.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (51) Memory of the Ardent Protector — Drops fromSludgefist in Castle Nathria.

To find out the best Legendaries for Protection Paladin, pleaserefer to our dedicated guide:

Protection Paladin Best Legendaries


Retribution Paladin Legendary Powers

Legendary powers included in this section are for Retribution Paladins.

  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (52) Final Verdict (Back/Chest) — Replaces Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (53) Templar's Verdictwith Final Verdict, a devastating strike that deals (223% of Attack Power)Holy damage. Has a 15% chance to activate Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (54) Hammer of Wrathand reset its cooldown.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (55) Memory of the Final Verdict — Drops fromWorld Boss Valinor, the Light of Eons.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (56) Tempest of the Lightbringer (Waist/Legs) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (57) Divine Stormprojects an additional wave of light, striking all enemies up to 20 yardsin front of you for 20% of Divine Storm's damage.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (58) Memory of the Lightbringer's Tempest — Drops fromOryphrion in Spires of Ascension.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (59) Vanguard's Momentum (Head/Hands/Feet) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (60) Hammer of Wrathhas 1 extra charge, and increases Holy damage done by 4% for 10 seconds,stacking 3 times.
    • Source: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (61) Memory of the Vanguard's Momentum — Drops fromSire Denathrius in Castle Nathria.

To find out the best Legendaries for Retribution Paladin, pleaserefer to our dedicated guide:

Retribution Paladin Best Legendaries


Covenant-Specific Paladin Legendary Powers

In this section, we list all the newPaladin Legendary Powersadded in Patch 9.1. You can unlock them by reaching Renown 48with your Covenant.

  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (62) Divine Resonance (Chest/Waist) — After casting Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (63) Divine Tollyou instantly cast Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (64) Judgment every 5 seconds. This effect lasts 30seconds.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (65) Duty-Bound Gavel (Head/Shoulder/Finger) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (66) Vanquisher's Hammergains 1 additional charge. An additional cast of
    • Retribution: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (67) Templar's Verdict will automatically triggerPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (68) Divine Storm.
    • Holy: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (69) Word of Glory will automatically triggerPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (70) Light of Dawn.
    • Protection: Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (71) Word of Glory will automatically triggerPaladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (72) Shield of the Righteous.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (73) Radiant Embers (Back/Wrist/Hands) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (74) Ashen Hallow'sduration is increased by 50%. Cancelling your Ashen Hallow early willreduce its cooldown by up to 50%, proportional to its remaining duration.
  • Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (75) Seasons of Plenty (Legs/Feet) — Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (76) Blessing of the Seasons'effectiveness is increased by 100% after 10 seconds. This effect lasts for10 seconds.


Other Class-Specific Legendary Powers

Legendary powers available to other classes in Shadowlands can be found below.

Death Knight Legendary PowersDemon Hunter Legendary PowersDruid Legendary PowersHunter Legendary PowersMage Legendary PowersMonk Legendary PowersPriest Legendary PowersRogue Legendary PowersShaman Legendary PowersWarlock Legendary PowersWarrior Legendary Powers



  • 18 Jan. 2022: Radiant Embers updated in Patch 9.2 Build 41827.
  • 28 Jun. 2021: Updated for Chains of Domination.
  • 09 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 02 Dec. 2020: Relentless Inquisitor can now be crafted by all specs.
  • 20 Nov. 2020: Relentless Inquisitor nerfed.
  • 18 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands release.
  • 04 Oct. 2020: Maraad's Dying Breath power added.
  • 27 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35978.
  • 25 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35938.
  • 04 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
  • 31 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679.
  • 21 Aug. 2020: Relentless Inquisitor and Shock Barrier adjustments for Beta Build 35598.
  • 12 Aug. 2020: Updated with Shock Barrier and renaming of the Arbiter's Judgment.
  • 08 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35432.
  • 25 Jul. 2020: Updated based on Beta Build 35256.
  • 18 Jul. 2020: Guide added.

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Paladin Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (2024)


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