Realism Redux Pure Filter - Updates (2024)

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Realism Redux Update 7.6

  • Apr 21, 2024

Finally released update 7.6, note that for this update you will need at least Pure 0.254. Had issues with the autoexposure as usual but at least with this version the exposure is adjustable in the photo mode app, you can also adjust the exposure using the page+up and page+down keys.

I recommend keeping the exposure at 100% but some tracks might be a bit brighter or dimmer than others. I also recommend using my custom CSP Preset for the filters:
CSP 2.3 preview 211 High Settings preset
CSP 2.3 preview 211 Medium Settings preset

Known issues:
- Autoexposure can be goofy at times (I tried my best to balance it out though)
- Autoexposure may overexpose when using trackside cameras or when using the photo mode app and having a high zoom amount however this can be mitigated to an extent by using an exposure value of 40% or less.

- Improved overall lighting
- Manual loading of my custom pure config is no longer required, it does it automatically now. If you have an older version and have the custom config by default please click on reset pure and reset to defaults.
- Tonemapping should be better now since the filter scripts are using uchimura.
- Winter grey is not included in this update, needs more improvements.
- Used Pure's own script and added ILP's custom functions to it, rest of the functions and lines are customized by myself.
- Godrays should look better now since the filters are using godrays and Pure's sunblinding feature (see screenshot below)
- Night time improvements (in screenshots below)
- Pure's landscape and lightning feature is disabled by default, the lightning thing is cool but from my testing causes a long stutter when switching between different ppfilters.

Changelog for natural and bloom:
- Reduced vignetting

In game screenshots (can't include every filter because of the image limits):
Realism Redux Natural Version 7.6 previews:

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Realism Redux Cinematic Version 7.6 previews:

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GeForce06 and StoRMiX43

Realism Redux Update 7.5

  • Jan 21, 2024

Update 7.5 is finally here, the updated pure script is what gave me the most trouble and also school contributed to the long update wait. Pure 0.238 is the recommended version for v7.5 of the filters.

The autoexposure is what gave me the most trouble for the new script's so I will have to stick with the CBE+AE autoexposure method which changes pretty fast so it's not exactly natural in terms of how our eyes adapt. The more 'natural' autoexposure method will not be used until I somehow find a solution because it doesn't have that much control and tends to be slow and overexpose/underexpose in some scenarios. I tried fixed exposure but that also gave me more trouble so ditched that.

The pure config is still included however the filters will now automatically load the pp config.
- Improved tonemapping using Uchimura (One of pure's tonemapping features that are available)
- Pure's sunblinding feature is used for the godrays, so the filter's PP.godrays or whatever function is no longer used because it didnt really look good tbh.
- Improved look for all filters
- New filter called Winter Grey

I will update and add more previews including on the main page later on but here are some previews:

Natural 7.5 raw preview:

Realism Redux Pure Filter - Updates (10)

Winter Grey 7.5 raw preview:

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Film 7.5 raw preview:

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Cinematic 7.5 raw preview:

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JakSpoon, CtaTuCT and GeForce06

Realism Redux Update 7.4.1

  • Aug 27, 2023

Just a minor update
- Reduced pure config vao.amount slightly
- Reduced filmic contrast for natural, vignetting+, and bloom by a bit
- Fixed vignetting+ and bloom not really matching natural's contrast and stuff
- Improved bloom a bit
- Improved cinematic's look
- Slight exposure increase to natural, about 0.12
- Increase vignetting amount for vignetting+ by a bit
- Moderate exposure increase for vignetting+ due to the vignetting
- Significant exposure increase for Film, Cinematic
- Made Amber's temperature slightly warmer
- More pp.brightness pure script changes for all filters
Raw previews for Natural V7.41:

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Raw preview for Bloom V7.41:

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Raw preview for Film V7.41:

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Raw preview for Cinematic V7.41:

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Raw preview for Amber V7.41:

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Raw preview for Vignetting+ V7.4.1:

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JakSpoon, DMAN, StoRMiX43 and 2 others

Realism Redux Update 7.4

  • Aug 24, 2023

Finally released update 7.4, which is another major update
As usual use pure 0.190 and load the new pure config, custom csp preset in the main filter page is optional but recommended to use (join the discord server if there are any feedback or concerns, im not as active on rd)
- Significant lighting changes
- Natural, vignetting+, bloom color grading changes (they all use the same)
- Filter looks better during daytime since there is less reliance on light sun levels, filter relies more on the pp brightness parameter.
- Some dof changes, its still gaussian
- Better dusk/dawn look
- Godrays changes (sun rays) its still not what i'd like it to be but its in a better spot
- And more significant filter script changes that i forgor
Natural 7.4 raw previews (will post an imgur link with more previews including the other filters):

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Shaadospawn, broy482005 and GeForce06

Realism Redux Update 7.3

  • Jul 30, 2023

Included 3 pure configs now:

I can't do much with the cloud brightness currently since thats restrained due to how the pure script's auto exposure functions on tracks like sebring and so on
As usual overwrite all files and load the new pure config.

- Made further pure config changes
- Improved natural's color grading textures, dark red and dark blue colors should look better on some liveries and cars. This also applies to bloom and vignetting+
- Daytime brightness consistency should be a bit better, and most tracks are generally brighter
- Significant changes to the pure script
- Sun speculars now increase when its either dusk/dawn
- Decreased sun light levels during dusk/dawn in exchange for a higher filter brightness level during dusk/dawn.
- Increased night time reflections level and reflections level during rain like conditions and so on
- Improved cloud brightness for all conditions, conditions like scattered clouds, few clouds and etc should no longer be as bright.
- Pp gamma decreases during dusk/dawn for a better look
- Increased filter gamma by 0.1 to accommodate for the color grading changes
- Ambient light level now decreases during dusk/dawn to accommodate for the filter brightness increase during dusk/dawn
- Glare changes to natural and vignetting+
- Night time has a colder color temp now
- Increased night time star brightness and decreased night time ambient brightness, lights themselves are still bright.
- Improvements toward rainy condition's looks

Natural V7.3 previews:

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Shaadospawn, Papifix, ForzaGaliza and 1 other person

Realism Redux Update 7.2.1 Hotfix

  • Jul 17, 2023

Pure 0.190 or higher is required for the filters now (It's recommended to use the csp presets that I provided on the main page)

This is just a small update that fixes some minor stuff
- Changed the color temperature of natural, vignetting+, and bloom to a slightly colder color
- Decreased broken clouds weather brightness slightly
- Decreased rainy weather brightness slightly
- Minor exposure tweaks

7.21 hotfix Previews:
Broken clouds weather:

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Rainy weather:

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Papifix, GeForce06 and ForzaGaliza

Realism Redux Update 7.2

  • Jul 16, 2023

Another big update! Pure 0.190 or higher is required for the filters now (It's recommended to use the csp presets that I provided on the main page)

If you want to provide feedback or report any issues, join the discord server from the link on the main page
And as usual overwrite the old pure config and load the new one provided in the zip file.
- Significant changes to the pure script used by all filters which means that the filters now look better in all weather conditions, weather conditions like scattered clouds and broken clouds previously looked dark and dim which has been fixed.

There's a lot of stuff that I changed in the pure script so it's more dynamic in certain weather conditions such as more sun light depending on the amount of cloud cover and etcetera. (load the other pure config called 'Realism_Redux_Pure_V7_For_Brighter_Tracks' if the clouds look dark on some tracks, this is due to the autoexposure kicking in)
- Daytime is brighter for all filters, although for some reason the autoexposure dims the brightness on tracks with darker asphalt. Shouldn't be that bad from what i've tested
- Made further improvements to the autoexposure values, it shouldn't freak out as much and generally should be more consistent.
- Improved night time look of all the filters (for some reason color grading textures dont apply at night time idk why)
- Made more changes to the pure config
- New filter called film (check the main page for more info)
- Contrast+ has been changed to vignetting+ (remove contrast+ if you want to, check the main page for more info)
- Significant changes to the color grading of natural, now it looks much more clean

Filter previews are on the main page of the filter, link to more previews:

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Realism Redux Update 7.1

  • Jul 4, 2023

Pure 0.165 or higher is required for the filters, not sure if ive said this before
Changelog(all filters have the same pure script values):
- Added a new pure config called 'Realism_Redux_Pure_v7_For_brighter_Tracks'
mainly for bright tracks like sebring or laguna seca, due to the nature of the auto exposure the cloud brightness can be significantly affected so i'd figure this might help a bit until I figure out better auto exposure methods
- Increased daytime brightness
- Increased gamma slightly
- Increased dusk/dawn brightness
- Increased sun speculars by a bit
- Decreased the contrast of the contrast+ filter by a bit
- D
ecreased csp lights emissive by 1 to 3.5 instead of 4.5
- Decreased moon light from 1.8 to 1.2 in the pure config

There are things that I would like to add like black limits and high exposure gamma adjustment to the pure script but due to the nature of the current pure script that is pretty much impossible so I might have to look for another if I wanted those settings. The autoexposure from the pure script is painful to work with at times so yeah.
As usual overwrite and load the new config

Raw previews for natural v7.1:

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Shaadospawn and GeForce06

Realism Redux Update 7 (re upload)

  • Jun 20, 2023

Update 7 is finally here!
Had exams and other stuff to deal with some time during may so I was pretty limited in terms of free time so apologies for quite the long wait, but anyways some big changes this update. (Had to reupload for some minor fixes, redownload if you've downloaded v7 beforehand)

- Improved exposure handling of all the filters so they look better during some weather conditions, previously on version 6.9 and lower tracks with brighter asphalt like Sebring and so on would be quite bright however now that issue has mostly been fixed, tried my best to balance the values but doing so is like finding a needle in a haystack which took some time to figure out. The exposure handling might be a bit aggressive sometimes in terms of how much it dims/brightens the game but from what I tested it's in a pretty good state.
- Night time looks somewhat significantly better (check screenshots below)

- Made further changes to the pure config, specifically the gamma and such. So the filters will look a bit better from this change. (The new pure config is named 'Realism Redux Pure V7.' It is highly recommended to load this config as v6's config is different.
- Added more functions to the pure script of the filters like variable reflections level during overcast and so on.
- Added a SOL version of the filter, right now its only based on the pure natural filter. Keep in mind that this is just a test version so don't expect too much, the pure version is much more developed so use the sol version if you don't have pure. sol variant installation info:
make a backup of your sol config file in C:\Users\'your user name'\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\Sol, this is required
because whenever I try to use a sol custom config even with the correct parameters it would not work properly so you need to replace your sol config for the filter to work. This is the only solution currently unfortunately
- Currently only natural, bloom, and contrast+ have received color grading changes, the other filters remain unchanged besides the pure scripts.

- The file names of the filters have V7 now instead of V6 so if you want to delete the V6 one's before installation then you could.
(There are probably some more changes but I forgor what I changed)
As always let me know in the discord server if there are some issues or troubleshooting needs
Imgur link if you want to see more preview screenshots:
Also fyi if the reflections are too much on some cars use the cpl mode in the csp photo mode app (it removes unwanted reflections):

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Natural V7 Pure previews:

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Natural V7 Sol preview:

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Realism Redux Update 6.9

  • May 12, 2023

Another pretty big update
- Fixed the issue where the filters made the game look pitch black on rain or heavy rain conditions (it looks much better now for all of the filters)
- New pure script being used (From ILP still)
- The new pure script made somewhat significant changes to the overall look (albeit i tried my best to make it look similar to V6.8)
- Night time overhaul, looks darker but at the same time light sources are still bright (night luminance has also increased but it's still mostly realistic)
- Reduced Natural's contrast by 1% which is negligible
- Further changes to the pure config
- Reworked bloom and it no longer requires a separate pure config to work
(Delete all script settings in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config-ext\Pure\scriptsettings only delete the files that are related to Realism Redux. More info in the notes.txt file in the zip file of the filter)
- Daytime is pretty much similar to v6.8 but it is less brighter, tried my best to balance the exposure on most tracks. On some tracks it can look bright while on others its darker.

Raw preview of natural 6.9 during rainy conditions (all filters have similar script values so they should look similar in terms of exposure for the pictures below but may vary due to the color grading):

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Raw preview of natural 6.9 during overcast conditions:

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Raw preview of natural 6.9 during heavy rain conditions:

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Raw preview of natural 6.9 during night time conditions:

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Raw preview of bloom 6.9:

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Realism Redux Update 6.8

  • May 4, 2023

Made significant changes to the pure config so all the filters look better now

Important: delete all of the old filter's script settings if you've downloaded version 6.7 or lower beforehand. They are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config-ext\Pure\scriptsettings
Changes to natural and contrast+:
-color grading texture is improved and is generally better now

Made changes to the night time look for most filters except bloom and the pure config changes makes a pretty big difference so make sure to load the new one. Also now most of the filters no longer require script settings besides Bloom (filter)

Previews for natural v6.8:

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Preview for contrast+ v6.8:

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Preview for amber v6.8:

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Preview for cinematic v6.8:

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ForzaGaliza and GeForce06

Realism Redux Pure Update 6.7

  • Apr 18, 2023

Made extensive changes to natural's look and script settings, also made new changes to the pure config and csp settings so make sure to load those (csp settings are on the main page)
Natural changes:
- Looks better in overcast/rainy conditions (check main page for more photos)
- DOF (depth of field) changed to hexagon for better performance (looks slightly worse but it helps for lower end pc's when using dof) Thanks to DasCiba for the suggestion again.
- Changed contrast and saturation values by a bit
- Filter has a slightly colder color temperature
- Changed exposure settings for the pure script
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the cars can look too bright under sunny conditions, its less bright now.
Some raw previews for natural V6.7 (again check the main page for more photos):

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Changes for cinematic and bloom:
- Both of them recieves dof changes to hexagon from bokeh
Two new filters:
Amber - Gives a warm look similar to some photographs or videos (mainly applies to green colors)

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Contrast+ - basically just natural but with more contrast and saturation (recommended for photography only)

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Realism Redux Pure 6.6 Update

  • Apr 4, 2023

All included filters now have b64 encoding for the color grading textures, basically it no longer needs color grading to be on a set file path. Now the cg texture will work anywhere no matter the installation location, thanks to DasCiba (creator of c13 obscura and etc) for helping me out on that.

Natural changes:
- Tweaked overall exposure target values
- Lighting is a bit more crisp due to the curve adjustment I applied (shadows are darker but looks nicer and the lighting is somewhat better, saturation remains the same)
- Tweaked the color grading by reducing the yellow and green color highlights, grass is typically green and it should be somewhat darker now and be a bit more natural and realistic
- Improved night time look and lighting (lights remain bright but overall look is still dark, for reference look at the screenshots below)
- increased the godrays (sun rays) values by a bit
- increased dusk/dawn brightness
- other pure config changes, you must overwrite or delete the old config and then load the new config for the filter to look right

As of the moment there are no changes to cinematic, if there are any concerns or areas where it needs changes lmk in the discord server.

Realism Redux Bloom: This filter is based on natural but with a different pure script, just like the name suggests it has an emphasis on bloom/glare. Basically something like gran turismo 7's glare.

Known issues for bloom:
- interior rpm leds may be too bright or saturated
- auto exposure may take a bit to adjust or might freak out under some circ*mstances but generally its fine.

The photos attached below showcases natural only:

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CtaTuCT, onealtyler, StoRMiX43 and 1 other person

Realism Redux Pure Filter Update 6.51

  • Mar 28, 2023

Natural: Tweaked the brightness of natural and reworked the color grading texture for it slightly to look better in some situations such as when a shadow is being cast over the car. Will include another natural filter with more contrast for those who prefer that style. Also increased dusk/dawn boost by a bit.

Cinematic: Slightly reduced the color grading texture intensity by 4%, the changes are negligible but should help a bit.

6.51 Natural Previews:

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Kol3, GeForce06, clarkii and 4 others
Realism Redux Pure Filter - Updates (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6165

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.